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The tendency of packing machine


According to survey, the need of packing machine will increase at the rate of 5.3% every year, and will reach to 290 billion USD this year, American is the biggest manufacturer in world ,then japan . another big ones included Germany, Italy, and China. But in 2005, the most huge need is in developing countries and areas , so the development country will go to developing country to invest and make machine at local place .

French packaging machinery market since 1998, steady growth rate of 4% to 5%, is currently Europe's third largest packaging machinery market. French packaging machinery industry is mainly composed by small and medium-sized highly specialized companies. The French market has a feature, namely the increasing demand for flexible, versatile and automated machinery. French imported products from the EU, products from the United States and Japan also accounted for a large proportion. French packaging machinery exports to EU countries, while the United States is one of the French packaging machinery non-EU markets.