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The future packaging industry or by three driving forces to promote


In 2011, packaging gross industrial output value has reached 1.3 trillion yuan, after the United States became the second largest packaging countries, however, from QiYeShu and gross profit margin level look, domestic packaging industry is still in the growth period. Visible packaging industry lies in the way of existence for downstream provide added value and cost at the same time to provide product propaganda effect, and with the downstream customers grow and grow. Expected future packaging industry by the big three driving forces to promote:

1. National income rising bring packing increased consumption, packaging and printing industry downstream to food, medicine, consumer electronics and consumer industry primarily, therefore consumption growth driven downstream industry development will effectively pull packaging enterprises continue to become bigger and stronger;

2. Packaging muti_function change trend promote the industry to improve. Over time, more and more consumers tend to the diversity of packaging function, such as every light, anaerobic, anti-staling function more and more common

3. Packaging products will provide portable beautiful direction. For cost saving consideration, in functional security demands, the downstream customer more and more requirements per square meter packing down prices.